What to eat in Ronda?

 Tags: Villages

Ronda is a must when you are in Costa del Sol, it is the perfect town to get lost through its streets and be captivated by its wonderful architecture and landscapes. It is inside the Parque Natural Sierra de las Nieves, about 100km away from Málaga and 60km from Marbella. Its cookery is delightful, and has received many influences because of its location. The Puente Nuevo (New Bridge), which lays on a 500-metre length and 100-metre depth gorge with a width of 50 metres, is one of the region's symbols. It's a starting point to make a tapas' tour and enjoy the wonderful local dishes.


The Serranía de Ronda, a hunting area

The Serranía de Ronda is a place where hunting has been the diet basis since its Arabic times. Diverse flavours, ingredients and techniques from different people are present in most of the local dishes through the cultural tradition and the cultures mixing. Rabbit is the main hunting dish and it's amazingly well cooked in Ronda. With garlic, fried or with mushrooms, this is a delightful dish. We cannot forget other dishes as oxtail, chicken or partridge.


Ronda, an extraordinary vegetable garden

Of course, local products are also very present at Ronda's gastronomy. Its privileged weather makes this place perfect to seed first quality vegetables and legumes, which are part of the local dishes. Simple food as broad beans with Spanish ham,broad beans  with haggis, pumpkin or the famous gazpacho are top level at this town.

Moreover, at the surroundings we can find a product, considered a treasure: mushrooms. Boletus, Lactarius deliciosus and other species. A huge mushrooms' variety and many ways of cooking to enjoy the real taste of the place.


The confectionery, one of the Ronda's exquisite delicacies

The Ronda's confectionery has received the influence of Arabic culture centuries. This is tangible in its honey and almonds, which are very present in every local dessert. The famous pestiños (honey fritters), the yemas del Tajo (candied egg yolks) and the rosquillas (donuts) are perfect desserts to finish a wonderful feast in one of the Spain's most charming villages.


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