Festival de Málaga, the Spanish cinema’s great party

 Tags: Culture

Lights, cameras and action. The Festival de Málaga will take place on April 13th-22nd, and the cream of national and international sector will join this. Actors, actresses, directors, music producers, writers and artists will bring together in one of the most expected events of the year.


The city becomes crazy about the Cinema Festival

For ten days, the city will become excited with the contest: from the Teatro Cervantes, main scene of the festival, to the cine Albéniz and the Teatro Echegaray, the magic of the cinema will spread to every corner, showing a new world to the audience.

There is also festival atmosphere at the city streets, with a continuous flow of guests who, as the locals, will enjoy the hectic cultural life and the environments of bars, terraces and restaurants in the historical centre.


Festival de Cine de Málaga 2018’s novelties

There will be present numerous directors at the Festival de Cine de Málaga, such as Guillermo del Toro, who will receive the Premio Málaga Sur prize; or Juan Antonio Bayona, as well as the actor Ron Perlman, who has been cast in Sergio & Serguéi, a movie which will compete in the Official Section.

Among this year’s novelties there is also the release, on April 19th, of the documentary 'Sanz. Lo que fui es lo que soy', which is about the life of the Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz. Animation cinema will also be present through the Animazine section, with shorts films for kids and adults, and the movie ‘Memorias de un hombre en pijama’, directed by Carlos Fernández de Vigo, which will also compete in the official section.

Likewise, MAFIZ (Málaga Festival Industry Zone) is the new zone for industry that the festival will present this year, and will have six events to promote Spanish cinema’s funding, co production, distribution and selling, all these supporting and pushing the new Latin-American audio visual talent.


Biznaga Ciudad del Paraíso Prize

The actress and presenter Mónica Randall will receive the Biznaga Ciudad del Paraíso of the 21st Festival de Cine de Málaga, a prize which is given, since years, to people related to the cinema sector and pretends to be an homage for the work done.







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