Enjoy the Easter Week in the villages of Málaga

 Tags: Culture

From the inner region to the coast, the Easter Week is deeply emotional. The floats are carried along a religious parade in almost every village. Locals and tourists look at the processions, amazed by the religious fervour, and even they participate in this celebration, which mix tradition, folklore and religion.


Easter at the inner of Málaga region

Ronda has an amazing Easter. Declared Festival of National Interest of Andalusia, some of its brotherhoods were created during the conquer of the city by the Catholic Kings. Its lovely streets and the artistic value of its religious sculptures make Ronda’s Easter one of the most popular in the region.

Antequera’s Easter is really special, and on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday the brotherhoods do what is known as ‘correr la vega’ (‘run the meadow’), that means to go up very fast with the floats along the steep slopes to help the men carrying them to their temples.


Easter at theAxarquía region: VélezMálaga

VélezMálaga’s Easter is one of the celebrations with the deepest feeling of brotherhood of the region. Declared of National Touristic Interest, is known by the elegant way of its floats when they are moved. The most important days are Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, when the most adored sculptures are carried. Other highlighted float is the Paso de Riogordo with more than 500 locals, in an outdoor area of 8,000 m2.


Málaga coast Easter

Easter is also intensely lived at the coastal villages. Fuengirola has interesting sculptures from the Sevillian neo-baroque style, while in Marbella the Nazareno and the Soledad are the floats of most religious fervour. Both processions take place on Holy Wednesday and Good Friday, and start at the Encarnación church.


Easter at the Guadalhorce Valley

At the Guadalhorce Valley, Alhaurín el Grande’s Easter highlights, declared of National Touristic Interest, where the local brotherhoods Nuestro Padre JesúsNazareno (‘Los Moraos’) and the Cofradía de la Santa Vera Cruz (‘Los Verdes’) do so realistic live performances of the Passion, that impresses the many people who attend this cultural expression.


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