Weekend agenda (5th to 7th of January)

 Tags: Leisure

These weekend’s schedule of la Costa del Sol is full of plans for the little ones. From the Three Kings parade to concerts..There’s so much to choose from! Don’t miss it and stop by in any of our activities.

Letter delivery to the Three Kings

Location: Parque Orquidario of Estepona

Date: Friday 5th of January

Time: 20:00 pm

The children from Estepona will have their last chance to deliver their letters to The Three Kings so that every wish comes true. You can find us at  8:00 o’clock pm the 5th of January at the Parque Orquidario.  

Disney concert

Location: Teatro Cervantes de Málaga

Dates: Friday 5th January, 12.00 pm.

saturday, 6th January, 18.30 and 21.00 pm.

sunday, 7th January, 17.30 y 20.00 pm.

The Walt Disney Company makes it first stop in Malaga after 100 concerts around the United States and Europe and we have the honor to pressence their show. This production offers the opportunity to witness the most memorable disney songs live and their soundtracks. Not only that but the concert will be projecting high definition images and will count with more than 80 artists at the stage so that we can enjoy an amazing and magical night.  


Literary Bethlehem   

Location: Gerald Brenan house, Churriana

Date: Until January the 7th

The Gerald Brenan house will host until January the 7th a literary Bethlehem, come and visit us! It’s six square meter mural representation of Bethlehem has as protagonists the main figures of spanish literature such as, Cervantes, Quevedo or Lope de Vega withing other names, including our hometown writer and philosopoher Maria Zambrano.


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