Corporate Event Management: Manage Information Prudently

 Tags: MICE

Currently, each person creates almost 2MG of data per second. In an increasingly digitised environment where information is power, all sectors have the responsibility of intelligently and carefully managing information. Social and corporate event management is no different; it must be completed methodically and in an organised manner, paying special attention to sign up management. The success of the event (and to see if it’s held or cancelled) depends on the organisation.


Benefits of Data in Event Organisation 

The number of channels where companies can obtain or generate data for event organisation is too high to count. From the attendee list to the minute by minute streaming of the different sections of the event, it’s all information that, if correctly managed, can reap incredible benefits for the company. 

corporate and institutional event direction and management


Event management with the monitoring of Big Data can be done with softwares with an ERP through the MICE sector, called Event Management Solutions. It’s then possible to integrate different areas with the management of corporate events with the goal of having everything in one place. Its advantages are numerous: 

  • Improvements in the general communication of all parties.
  • Metric analysis related to email marketing, social communication and even diverse indicators of performance, like number of attendees, ratio of collaborations per attendee, associated transportation management, and more. 
  • Real time following during an event.


Data Protection and Events: working together  

Today, the 2016/679 regulation about the protection of people relating to the use of personal data in the EU establishes a series of requirements for event management. From these, some of the most important are the prohibition of selling data to third parties, the requirement to obtain express consent to collect personal data and informing those involved of how their data will be used.

However, this information protection as part of event management goes further than regulations and includes necessary protection measures. Proper corporate and institutional event direction and management will adopt safe data management software policies (for both sign-ups and other activities), implement double authentication measures when possible, block sensible information and offer consulting if needed. 

event corporate management


Managing Sign-ups: an important task 

During any corporate event, sign-ups are a fundamental part of the organisation. Today, sign-ups are usually managed digitally; it’s useful to have a series of steps to follow to ensure the event’s success, given that actual assistance depends on basic factors like having an optimised, simple and accessible registration page with different payment options.

The more integrated the tasks that are part of the sign-up process are (charging, email registration confirmation, attendee lists, etc.), the easier the event management will be. To this point, talking about corporate events, the kinds of events and their character can help us determine what image we want to have for the registration page, which data fields should be filled in or even what language. Whatever it is, it’s always important to align the registration page design with the organisation’s corporate identity. 

Now that you know the importance of collecting data for event management, why not carry out all the ideas for corporate events that you have? Costa de Sol offers more than just the best destinations and locations; it also offers the necessary service providers to leave a good impression. With their help, you’ll be able to pay the correct amount of attention to each detail so that you can focus on enjoying the event. 

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