How to make the most of your attendance list

 Tags: MICE

Making the attendance list is one of the most important phases in planning your event. Indeed, the success of the latter relies to a great extent on it. So do you know which criteria you should be following to create an attendance list that does everything you need it to? Keep reading to find out.


Definition of attendance list

The attendance list is a document that serves to keep a record of the people who will join you at your event. There are a number of different attendance list formats that you can use depending on the purpose, goal or context of your event. For example, if your event has a commercial purpose, you could, beyond logging attendee’s basic information, gather additional data that is of commercial interest, such as their telephone number and email address. In so doing, you will be creating both an attendance list and a client portfolio at the same time.


The importance of the attendance list

The biggest benefit of having a well-designed attendance list is that it will enable you to keep an eye on a number of other aspects that extend beyond the guest list itself. Invitations, RSVPs, rooming lists, seating lists, special needs, arrival and departure times, transfers, companions, speakers and more: information is power and the more you have about your attendees, the better.

Definition of attendance list for corporate events


How to make an attendance list with Excel

A good way to manage your attendance list is to use Excel. The tool is perfect for taking care of practically every stage of your event planning, starting - why not - with the attendance list. Specific pieces of software do exist for the task, however we find Excel the most useful and easy to use. The best thing about it is that it contains a large variety of functions that will enable you to optimise the performance of your list. If you don’t have much knowledge about spreadsheets, perhaps this is the perfect moment to master your skills. 

To get started, create a file. In this one file you will create different categories and implement filters, enabling you to see all the data at a glance. Make sure that one field is dedicated to one item, for instance, first name, surname, email, food intolerances, etc.

How to make an attendance list excel



What if a number of people are working on the list?

If you’re working alongside a colleague to manage the list and the event, it’s important you define a number of basic criteria from the offset to ensure the data is added in an orderly and consistent manner. From capitalisations and abbreviations, getting the minutiae right may seem unimportant, however maintaining consistency across the spreadsheet will ensure you won’t waste time down the line making unnecessary corrections. To make sure the list is correct, don’t forget to check it over a number of times: you’ll be sure to find some mistakes or duplications and you’ll be able to correct them before the event. 

Getting a good grip on the technologies and all the possibilities they offer when it comes to creating a useful attendance list will set you off in the right direction for creating a truly memorable event. If you’re thinking about holding an event in the Costa del Sol, you’re in the right place as the province of Malaga is home to the best professionals who are on hand to support you every step of the way. From DMCs and event venues to service and catering companies, all the information you could possibly need is right here.

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