MICE Certificate: what they are and what they are for

 Tags: MICE

When we talk about the MICE Certificate, we are referring to a series of certifications that accredit the professionalism of event organisers; there are various types and they include different degrees of specialisation. Some of them are focused on experience and others are based on courses, training, exams, audits and different tests that measure the degree of event certification.

In general, clients place more trust in people and companies with a long track record as this provides them with security. But there is also an increasing demand for diversified professionalism, oriented towards very specific tasks and areas, such as digital or sustainable events.

With a long tradition of both hosting and organising professional events, Costa del Sol is undoubtedly the perfect destination to hold this type of meeting and is also the place chosen by many professionals to establish their base of operations and area of action.

Based on whether these are universal or it is an event organisation certification with specialisation, they can be classified as follows:


Main MICE Certifications:

  • CMP

The CMP (Certified Meetings Professional) is the most internationally recognised certification. Since 1985, it has been awarded by the Events International Council to professionals who have worked in the MICE sector for a minimum of 36 months in the previous five years (24 months if you have a degree in event management or hospitality), after having completed at least 25 hours of training and passed a subsequent exam. With the Certified Meeting Professional CMP, global qualification is guaranteed.

  • CMM

Under this acronym, the University of Indiana in the USA recognises the Certification in Meeting Management through a 15-week course that develops aspects such as leadership skills, case analysis, simulations and project management. MPI also offers this course at its academy.

  • IAPCO Accredited

Beyond individual qualification, some international organisations award seals to companies after carrying out exhaustive audits and quality controls. This is the case of IAPCO Accredited, awarded by the association of the same name (International Association of Professional Congress Organisers).

event certification




1. Incentive travel

  • CIS

With the so-called CIS (Certified Incentive Specialist), the SITE (Society for Incentive Travel Excellence) gives its name to its basic certification programme, consisting of an intensive, two-day seminar.

  • CITP

This is SITE's mid-level accreditation and its acronym stands for Certified Incentive Travel Professional. In this case, professionals must demonstrate a minimum of five years of experience (even if they have not previously obtained the CIS).

  • EITC

Finally, SITE offers its students the CITE or Certified Incentive Travel Executive, its most advanced level, aimed at managers and professionals with many years of experience. To obtain it, it is compulsory to have the CIS.


2. Business travel

  • GTP

When talking about business travel, we must talk about the GTP or Global Travel Professional Certification, awarded by the GBTA (Global Business Travel Association) after three years of professional practice and demonstrated knowledge in strategic planning, supplier and customer relations, travel programmes, data management or analytics and finance.

Are you planning to organise your business trip to the Costa del Sol? Consult our Convention Bureau and choose your preferences.


3. Events and conventions

When it comes to events and conventions, there are several accredited certifications that cover a wide spectrum of professionalism.

  • CSEP (Certified Special Events Professional), for the design and organisation of creative events.
  • Event Design Certificate Program, awarded by the international group Event Design Collective in recognition of the Event Canvas methodology, based on a didactic and practical 360º perspective.
  • CQEP or Certified Quality Event Planner, an online course given by the CPD or Continuing Professional Development body which is focused on constant professional growth.

Here’s a practical guide to finding the perfect place to hold your business events or conventions in the province of Malaga.

certification in meeting management


4. Fairs and exhibitions

  • CEM

The CEM (Certified in Exhibition Management) is awarded by the IAEE or International Association of Exhibitors and Events in thirty different countries, including Spain.


5. Digital events

  • DES

The DES (Digital Event Strategist) certificate accredits experts in the organisation of digitalised events. It does so through the PCMA Association, which was created precisely for this purpose.


6. Sustainable Events

  • Complete Sustainable Events Course

Today, sustainable events are making a difference. The Meetings Show, the international MICE show in London, has created the Complete Sustainable Events Course programme to provide a deeper understanding of how to organise this type of environmentally friendly event.

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