How to reduce your carbon footprint on your next business trip

 Tags: MICE

Have you ever thought about how you can be more environmentally friendly? Of course you have, we all do relatively frequently. But what we perhaps don’t think about so much is how to reduce the carbon footprint of our business trips. And by this we mean journeys in which you attend business meetings, corporate conferences, team building activities and similar events. Doing as little harm to the environment as possible should be a priority for your trip and MICE events in general. Here are some ways that you can do your bit to help look after the planet. 


What is your carbon footprint? 

Though you might have heard of the term, you still might not be too clear on what your carbon footprint is and how you can reduce it. A carbon footprint is the impact of our actions on the environment, and more specifically the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted as a result of said actions. Calculating carbon footprint is actually much easier than you might imagine. The more tonnes of CO2 you emit, the higher your footprint, and vice versa. You can calculate the tonne of CO2 equivalent by multiplying the metric tonne of the gases by the global warming potential. 

The protocols and metrics laid out by the World Resource Institute and the UN enable us to measure the amounts of greenhouse gases emitted and their impact. Today, both people and companies emit carbon dioxide, methane and other gases that pollute the atmosphere; these levels can and must be reduced. Keep reading to discover how to reduce your carbon footprint on your next business trip. 


Four ways to reduce your carbon footprint

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1. Choose clean transport

Options don’t tend to be a problem nowadays, as there are plenty of them. This is no different when it comes to transport so why not choose clean and green transportation for your business trip? If you’re travelling a long way, the plane is clearly going to be the most logical option. But not all business trips involve travelling very far. 

Our advice? If you’re travelling within the same country or to a neighbouring country, take the train. It’s fast, it’s clean and it’s efficient. In some cases, getting the car out might be the only way to get to your destination. Don’t worry. You can always carpool with colleagues who are going to the same destination or use collaborative apps to make the most of the space and pollute less. 

what is carbon footprint and how to reduce it


2. Digitalise events that can be digitalised 

Of course, in the debate of how to reduce the carbon footprint of your business trip, there is no argument more compelling than that for virtual events. Digitalising all events and meetings that can be digitalised is a positive step as it minimises the impact on the environment. All journeys are avoided, whether they be short, medium or long distance, and there are no stay-overs in hotels, whose services, such as hanging the sheets and towels on a daily basis, for instance, are high polluters. 


3. Carbon offsetting schemes

An increasingly popular strategy among companies whose carbon footprint is unavoidably high (due to their manufacturing, travel or lack of serious environmental policies) is to take part in offsetting schemes. Having accepted that they can do nothing about the pollution deriving from their economic activity, these companies invest in sustainable projects run by third parties. Your commitment to reducing your carbon footprint can follow the same suit. 

ways to reduce your carbon footprint


4. Reward environmentally responsible employees

In your business and incentive trips, as well as team building activities, you have the opportunity to reward employees who are environmentally responsible. How about giving a gift or bonus to workers who commit to cycling to work or carpooling, for instance? 

Carrying on from this, your company could put in place a clear set of policies with regards to protecting the environment when you travel for business. One way to do this is by only using service providers who have environmental certifications and/or are sustainable. If a company has the stamp of approval from the Global Sustainable Tourism Council​ or the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) or is part of the Spanish Government’s Calculate, Offset and Reduce (Calculo, compenso, reduzco) scheme, it’s the right travel provider for you. 

There are plenty of opportunities to be part of the environmentally friendly travel trend in the Costa del Sol. Favouring local and organic produce and seeking to use less plastic are just a couple of simple ideas that visitors can easily follow through. What’s more, many Costa del Sol-based companies, Exploramás and Team Building Málaga, for instance, have extensive experience in running activities that are specifically designed to offset your carbon footprint. You can take part in reforestation, beach clean ups and more, alongside local NGOs. 

So now you know some of the ways that you can minimise your carbon footprint, you’ve got no excuse not to put them into action. So on your next trip to the Costa del Sol, do your bit to look after the planet. 

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